Малюка Игорь Валерьевич| Тeacher of history, geography
Малюка Игорь Валерьевич
icon Тeacher of history, geography
Койшубаева Айгуль Хабдулмажитовна
user Директор
Education: higher.
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Сыздыкова Бейнегул Аягановна
user Kazakh language teacher
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Солопова Алёна Александровна
user English teacher
Date of birth: 13/11/1984. Pedagogical experience: 13.4years Education, name and year of graduation from a vocational education institution: secondary special education. Petropavlovsk Humanitarian-Technical college. 2016 Specialty, diploma qualification: "Foreign language"
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Буданова Асель Арыстановна
user Social teacher, art teacher
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Кондратенко Надежда Васильевна
user Primary school teacher
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Беркумбаева Асыл Гомаровна
user Teacher of Russian language and literature
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Ашимов Ерлан Шингисович
user Teacher of chemistry, biology
Date of birth: 27 /05/1991. Pedagogical experience: 10 years Education, name and year of graduation from a vocational education institution: M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University Specialty, diploma qualification: " Biology Teacher...
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Аюпова Гаухартас Жайлауовна
user Primary school teacher
Date of birth: 05/09/1983. Pedagogical experience: 2 years Education, name and year of graduation from a vocational education institution: secondary special education. Pedagogical College named after Magzhan Zhumabaev, 2016 Specialty,...
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Малюка Игорь Валерьевич
user Тeacher of history, geography
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Сартаев Нурым Болатович
user Педагог
Date of birth: 11/06/2000. General work experience: 5 years Pedagogical experience: 2 years Education, name and year of graduation from the institution of vocational education: secondary special. Higher multidisciplinary college...
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Зикирина Бижамал Кайнаровна
user Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Date of birth: 06/04/1991. Pedagogical experience: 11 years Education, name and year of graduation from the institution of vocational education: higher. NKSU them. M. Kozybayeva 2007 Specialty, diploma qualification: "Kazakh...
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Кондратенко Владимир Прокопьевич
user Рhysical culture teacher
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Баймоллина Назым Ертаргыновна
user Kazakh language teacher
Date of birth: 06/04/1991. Pedagogical experience: 11 years Education, name and year of graduation from the institution of vocational education: higher. Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, bachelor, 2014 Specialty,...
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Нургисина Умут Агибаевна
user Еducational psychologist
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